KANDINSKY’s “Squares and Concentric Circles” (1913). These squares were made by KinderArt students—each student made two squares, one to keep and one to contribute to our “group painting”. Using oil pastels (or wax crayons, not the “washable” crayons), draw fat rings, with bright colors, inside each square. Try to leave white space between the circles. Paint over the entire square with watercolor, using a different color for each square.
Try it for yourself! Fold and crease a piece of paper into three equal sections. Unfold the paper and crease it again in half lengthwise. The creases make six squares. You can add painter’s tape or masking tape around the outer sides of each square as you paint it so that the color for one square will not bleed into another square. Let each square dry completely before you tape and move on.
Tip: keep a puzzle game close by to play while you’re waiting for the paint to dry, or use a hair dryer to speed up the drying time!