Monday Montage. Tuscan Jazz.
Definition of jazz:
You’d think I was listening to jazz while I painted this sunflower! Actually, I often listen to opera (NPR Saturday afternoons) when I paint. But it was one of those rare occasions on a weekday when I was home alone, painting in silence. Not even enjoying an audio book, or a classical CD in the background! So I guess I was
thinking like jazz!
Vivid, strong patterns emerged and I went with the flow.
In the past I’ve painted sunflowers in different styles. In the style of VanGogh. Of Renoir. Of Monet. This one simply captures my mood of the moment. My own personal painting style. And I’m thinking that that’s what Jesus would have me do—not try to emulate what He did, but allow Him to guide me “through this barren land.” I want to keep on walking in His ways and exploring the styles of painting He created me to pursue!
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