
l'Artista Blog

KINDERART.  Back in Mrs. Porter’s Art Studio.

Today was back-to-art-class day for my Mid-Morning Monet group.  Pencils and Paper on the table.  Sketchboards.  Name Cards.  Markers.

Ready.  Set. Go!  For warm-ups, we started drawing upside down images.  And reviewing the five basic shapes:  circle, dot, line, curve and angle.

We also walked around the room, with sketchboards in hand, to find a few things we wanted to sketch “from life”:  My Favorite Art Supplies.

Author: Bonnie Porter

Bonnie Porter is an artist who lived in Europe and now resides in Atlanta. A part-time art teacher who paints and creates with a love of color, line and composition, drawing on inspiration from everywhere.

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